Healthy High Street Programme

Training Support series for Market Teams & Traders

  • Competitor Vs Collaborator - high street best practice training session with downloads

  • The Modern R(e)tail Planner - to develop & grow business with training playlist on the 5 Keys to Successful Retailing

  • ‘Create your own’ -Branding & Marketing Sessions with downloads

  • Side Hustle to New Career - creating a lifestyle income stream

  • Social Media content ideas workshop - Meet the Expert

  • Product photography session - Meet the Expert

  • Access to our FREE online membership to Retailers SOS group for the market traders.

"A big thank you for all your efforts in supporting Spilsby. The Market event was a wonderful experience for all. The High Street looks much better, business owners are much more confident and there is a new energy in town. This, very much, reflects your work. All the business owners I have talked to have been very appreciative of your efforts. I do hope we shall continue to benefit from your experience, wisdom and energy in the future. With thanks and best wishes"

Councillor David Mangion ELDC